Animals Animals Animals Animals $9.00 Animals are handmade from sustainably harvested white pine from central Maine. Color and grain patterns will vary. Size range: (4-6") x (3-5") x (3/4-1")All animals may not be depicted. type: Select type batbearbeaverbronosaurusbuffalocamelcatcowcoyotedeerdolphinduckelephantfoxfroggiraffehorse prancinghorse workinghorse rockinghorse standing - ponykangaroolionlionesslobstermanateemoosemouseoctopusowlpigpuffinrabbitrhinocerosroostersealsharksnakesquirrelstegosaurusswantreetyrannosauruswhale - bluewhale - genericwhale - humpbackwhale - spermwolfReindeer bat bear beaver bronosaurus buffalo camel cat cow coyote deer dolphin duck elephant fox frog giraffe horse prancing horse working horse rocking horse standing - pony kangaroo lion lioness lobster manatee moose mouse octopus owl pig puffin rabbit rhinoceros rooster seal shark snake squirrel stegosaurus swan tree tyrannosaurus whale - blue whale - generic whale - humpback whale - sperm wolf Reindeer Quantity: Add To Cart Facebook0 Twitter Tumblr